Well, I'm already a day behind in my blogs, but I'll try to write one this morning and one tonight.
I'm pretty sure I've talked about Joe G. a couple times on here, and if not on here then I know I have in my newsletter a couple times. Joe is from Grand Junction, Colorado. He's 27, an amazing musician, and totally called by God to be in full time ministry when he gets home. Although, right now he's not sure where he's supposed to go for ministry. So anyone reading this, if you have any opening at your church or maybe know of a friend who does, please tell my parents and they'll let me know. Joe works the best with older high school to college age kids. But enough of advertising for Joe.
Joe also has another special thing about him, he's Jewish. He's also leaving in two weeks. ;(So since he is leaving so soon, Tim and Christine thought it would be fun to have a Passover meal all together. And that's just what we did last night. It was so cool!! It took about three and a half hours from beginning to end, but that also included dinner and a worship time afterwards.
We ate unlevened bread, bitter herbs (which was wasabi root), and many other things that I don't know how to spell because Joe said all the names in Hebrew.
So that was basically my day yesterday. In the morning I also had Japanese class. We were studying about a suffix that they put on the end of words "te". "Te" can mean many many things, but in the two examples we learned yesterday, it means to either tell some one else to do something (EX - Sit down.) or it acts like the English suffix "ing" (EX -walking). Unfortunately that's the very simplified version. There were lots of other things that went along with those two examples that just made it all confusing, but it'll just take some studying and hopefully I'll understand it.
Then in the afternoon Amy and I just hung out at Joe's place helping him get ready for the dinner that night. We also all found out that Friday is Debbie's roommate's birthday, so we planned we were going to do for her today. (It's already Friday here)
Well that about sums it all up. Hope everyone has a great night and sleeps well. God bless you all!
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